Worship Together with Shawn Thomas
Lifestyle • Music • Spirituality/Belief
Join worship leader and Christian singer/songwriter, Shawn Thomas, as he shares music, videos, live worship events, and inspirational messages of faith. Regular programming includes a weekly worship break, a "Good News" broadcast every Monday, and periodic podcast series on various topics. You're invited to "worship together" with Shawn and this community of believers by sharing your testimonies, prayers, and just everyday living experiences.
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Welcome to "Good News!" - Monday, June 5, 2023

Start your day off with "Good News." This program highlights news headlines and stories that are about good news, good people, and the goodness of God. The broadcast is available weekly beginning at 7am (EST) every Monday morning - a great way to kick off your week!

Don't forget to get your WT Swag at:

Links to the stories covered in this episode:





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Live chatted 07/03/2024
Take 5 Worship Break - 7-3-24 - "You Cannot Be Stopped"

We're on YouTube as well!

Welcome to "Take 5" where we take just a few minutes in the middle of our week to pause and worship God. Thanks for joining us and being a part. Please feel free to comment and share in the LIVE CHAT starting right at noon.

God bless,

Welcome to "Good News!" - Monday, July 1, 2024

Start your day off with "Good News." This program highlights news headlines and stories that are about good news, good people, and the goodness of God. The broadcast is available weekly beginning at 7am (EST) every Monday morning - a great way to kick off your week!

We're streaming on YouTube now too!

Links to the stories covered in this episode:





Live chatted 06/26/2024
Take 5 Worship Break - 6-26-24 - "Hands Up"

Welcome to "Take 5" where we take just a few minutes in the middle of our week to pause and worship God. Thanks for joining us and being a part. Please feel free to comment and share in the LIVE CHAT starting right at noon.

God bless,

WT Podcast, "Songs and Expressions" (Part 3) - "Clapping in Church"

[Click Play Below]
Worship Together Podcast
Episode 15: "Songs and Expressions" (Part 3) - "Clapping in Church"

To listen to the first episode in this series, "Worship Songs VS Contemporary Christian Music" (Part 1), click here:

To listen to last week's episode, "Worship Song Snob!" (Part 2), click here:

Check out all of our Podcast episodes as well as our other content and programming at https://www.WorshipTogether.site.

WT Podcast, "Songs and Expressions" (Part 3) - "Clapping in Church"
WT Podcast, "Songs and Expressions" (Part 2) - "Worship Song Snob!"

[Click Play Below]
Worship Together Podcast
Episode 14: "Songs and Expressions" (Part 2) - "Worship Song Snob!"

To listen to last week's episode, "Worship Songs VS Contemporary Christian Music" (Part 1), click here:

Join us next week for Part 3 of "Songs and Expressions" with, "Clapping in Church" - available beginning at noon(EST) on Fridays.

WT Podcast, "Songs and Expressions" (Part 2) - "Worship Song Snob!"
WT Podcast, "Songs and Expressions" (Part 1) - "Worship Songs VS Contemporary Christian Music"

[Click Play Below]
Worship Together Podcast
Episode 13: "Songs and Expressions" (Part 1) - "Worship Songs VS Contemporary Christian Music"

Join us next week for Part 2 of "Songs and Expressions" with, "Worship Song Snob!" - available beginning at noon(EST) on Fridays.

WT Podcast, "Songs and Expressions" (Part 1) - "Worship Songs VS Contemporary Christian Music"
September 13, 2024

The Worship Together Platform is now exclusively available at https://www.WorshipTogether.site. No additional content will be posted through the “Locals” platform, and this account/profile will soon be deleted. Be sure your account has been transferred to our new platform. Email [email protected] with additional questions.

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The New Worship Together!

OKEEDOKE! I'm ready to announce the launch of the new version of the Worship Together Platform! yay! We've gone completely independent - which means it's going to be a lot easier to share our free content on social media, so thank you for following this page. There's going to be a lot more content coming! :)

Here's a quick update video to get everyone caught up:

To access the new platform, use either of these two sites:

Thank you all for going on this ride with me! Can't wait to see what God's got in store next! Let's worship together!

(PS - I will keep the Locals version of the platform active for a few more weeks as we make this transition.)

September 11, 2024
Take 5 Worship Break - 9-11-24 - "King of Kings"

Hey gang - all of our programming is now on https://www.worshiptogether.site.

To watch this week's episode of Take 5, just follow the link below to watch on YouTube and join in the LIVE CHAT right at noon!


If you have any questions about the new platform, please send me an email at [email protected].

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Welcome to "Good News!" - Monday, November 7, 2022
Digital Print Edition

NOTE - "Good News" will appear on the Worship Together feed as a digital publication for the next several weeks as Shawn sets up his new home base in South Carolina.  The weekly video broadcasts will resume soon.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Veterans Day This Friday

For Her Next Act, Texas Grandmother Becomes a Commercial Pilot

Grandmother pilot

(Courtesy The Week - ABC-7)

Tamaron Nicklas is back in the cockpit, right where she wanted to be. Nicklas spent nearly eight years in the Air Force, where she was a pilot who learned how to refuel several types of aircrafts. She was able to fly around the world, stopping in Guam, Australia, the Philippines, and Korea, but after the birth of her third child, it became too hard to balance her home life and career. "I really actually struggled with it for a while after I'd walked away, just in that you know, that it's your identity," Nicklas told ABC News. After staying grounded for 24 years, Nicklas, now a grandmother, decided to return to the sky, taking a job as a flight instructor. She was then hired as a pilot by Southwest Airlines, where her husband has been a captain for 30 years, and arranged to sit alongside his wife during her first flight. Nicklas hopes her story encourages people to return to careers that they once loved. "If you've been away from it and think it's insurmountable, not attainable, take the first step," she said. "There's no reason you can't do it."


Young Girls Who Met on a Ship Sailing for America 75 Years Ago are Reunited: ‘I could never forget her’

75 year reunion btw to girls from ship

(Courtesy Good News Network)

It’s not uncommon for reunions to take place within a few years of the initial event—or maybe ten to twenty years after the first meeting. But a reunion after 75 years is truly astounding.

That’s exactly what took place recently between immigrants Lena and Yolanda, who were young girls when they first met during a 14-day ocean crossing.

In April of 1947, both the young girls were emigrating with their Italian families to the United States. They met each other aboard the Saturnia, a ship sailing toward America’s Ellis Island—and became instant friends.

In the last few years, Lena’s youngest son Steve had been researching their transatlantic voyage, and uncovered the actual ship’s manifest online.

Lena, now 85 years old, had always remembered the name of her sailing buddy, Yolanda. So, Steve diligently searched for the whereabouts of her friend, who had remained only a memory frozen in time.

Lena left her hometown of Pallagorio when she was ten years old. Nine-year-old Yolanda left her home in Belmonte—a 2.5 hour drive between them on today’s maps.

Lo and behold, Yolanda was still thriving—and the two girls, now matured, had been living within 2.5 hours of each other their whole lives.

Steve found Yolanda’s phone number and left a message on her answering machine explaining that her childhood sailing buddy wanted to get in touch. Covid-19 and other obstacles delayed the reunion, but finally a time and date were set.

Yolanda‘s son Rich drove his mom across state lines from her home in Weirton, West Virginia, to Lena’s house in Meadville, Pennsylvania, where they greeted each other at the front door, embracing with tears of joy.



She Built a $15,000 Cottage in the Back Yard For a Brother With Autism: ‘The change has been incredible’

Builds cottage for brother with Autism

(Courtesy Good News Network)

A woman built her brother a little house in her back garden and says it’s been a “game-changer” to give him the independence he needs.

Tiffany Chou moved back to Hawaii from New York City to look after her 33-year-old brother, who has autism, after hearing that he was unhappy in his residential home.

The siblings, who are both adopted, hadn’t lived together for 15 years, so Tiffany was apprehensive about what it would be like because Chris’s behavior could be “challenging”.

To better deal with that, the 36-year-old sister and her boyfriend decided to build Chris his own cottage in their back yard after moving to Maui.

“I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into when I moved back and took in Chris,” said the accessory designer. “He can be a bit noisy and overwhelming so we decided if he had his own independent space, just seconds from us, that would be ideal.”

There was a little structure in their garden, which they tore down to begin the construction—and she and her boyfriend managed to put the cottage together for just $15,000.

Chris got to chose the colors of his house and helped out initially with the build, which was completed in three months.


Pet Stories! - A Farmer Was Injured Saving A Puppy. His Town Rallied To Bring In His Harvest

Good News Pet Stories

(Courtesy Sunny Skyz)

A farmer in Frost, Minnesota crashed his car while swerving off the road to avoid a puppy. He saved the dog, but ended up with serious injuries.

His community came to the rescue, harvesting his crops for him.

A German shepherd puppy ran into the middle of the road causing Scott Legried, 50, to crash into a cornfield. He suffered multiple injuries including a broken shoulder blade, broken ribs, two cracked vertebrae, a collapsed lung and a concussion.

"I got knocked out and when I came to, I couldn't move," he told The Washington Post. "I couldn't even reach up to get my cellphone from the dash of my truck. I remember saying, 'Lord, I'm going to need some help here in the next five or 10 minutes'."

A motorist driving through the area found Legried and called 911. He was taken to the hospital.

Doctors told him he would need several months to recover before he could drive a tractor again. This meant he would not be able to bring in his October harvest of soybeans and corn.

When his community heard the news, they organized a plan to harvest Legried's crops. More than a dozen farmers from Frost and surrounding towns showed up at Legried's farm with their combines, trucks and grain wagons. Others organized lunches for the group. They also chipped in to mow Legried's lawn and feed his dogs while he was in the hospital.

"This is a busy time of year for farmers, so it meant the world to me," said Legried, who lives alone. "But I guess I really wasn't surprised. I'm lucky to live in a community where people have always looked out for each other."

Frost is known for being a quaint, close-knit community. Only 198 residents call it home.


The "Good News" Digital Print Edition is a Worship Together publication.
A Ministry of "Aaron's Revival Project."
WorshipTogether.site | AaronsRevivalProject.com

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Welcome to "Good News!" - Monday, October 31, 2022 (Happy Halloween!)
Digital Print Edition

NOTE - "Good News" will appear on the Worship Together feed as a digital publication for the next several weeks as Shawn sets up his new home base in South Carolina.  The weekly video broadcasts will resume soon.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Family Decorates Front Lawn with a New Halloween Scene Every Day in October

Halloween Scene

(Courtesy The Week - Catherine Garcia)

Every October, this Texas family and a cast of skeleton characters put on a show that delights neighbors and passerby. It started in October 2020, when Steven and Danielle Dinote and their kids A.J. and Anthony bought several skeletons at a Halloween store in San Antonio. Wanting to have some fun during the first Halloween of the pandemic, they started arranging the skeletons in the front yard, with A.J. putting one against the lawnmower and Danielle making it look like another was walking a skeleton dog. The family turned this into a competition to see who could make the best scene, changing it every day. Neighbors who walked by would often stop and say "it was the highlight of their day," Danielle told Today Parents. The family decided to make this an annual event, and neighbors soon dubbed their home "The Skeleton House." It takes between 30 minutes and an hour to set up each scene, which include props like clothing, wigs, and instruments. So far this month, the skeletons have played Twister, gone camping, and golfed. Being able to tap into their creative sides brings joy to the Dinote family, and they work together to make each scene come alive. "We made a rollercoaster for the skeletons last year we named One Flag," Steven said. "I spray painted PVC pipes for tracks and made cars from cardboard boxes. My son decided the roller coaster needed restraints which we made from pool noodles."


Dwayne Johnson Surprises ‘Real-life Hero’ and Brings Him on TV to Honor His Services

Dwayne Johnson

(Courtesy Good News Network - Andy Corbley)

An opportunity to meet Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, but charity superhero Yuri Williams got so much more than just a handshake when The Rock decided he wanted to do something special for him.

Soon to hit the silver screen as a superhero himself, The Rock surprised Yuri on live TV, brought him back to the Good Morning America studio to give him special tickets to see the premier of Johnson’s new movie, “Black Adam,” raise awareness for Yuri’s work, and add another suit to his costume collection.

Williams is just one man, but he’s many heroes—Deadpool, Spiderman, and The Mandalorian are all costumes he puts on to put a smile on the faces of the people in need of one, whether they be the homeless, sick children, elderly, or veterans.

GNN reported last year that his place at the at the forefront of fun has helped his charity, A Future Superhero and Friends, organize toy drives, blood drives, school supply giveaways, youth art fairs, and so much more, and they’ve done it in all fifty states.

Much of his work is taken up by visiting children with special needs, or who suffer from serious illnesses.

“Yuri’s literally like the first person to put a smile on A.J.’s face,” said mom Katrina Morgan, whose son has cleft lip.

After struggling with depression during, and after his mother’s passing from cancer in 2009, Yuri decided the best way to recover was to channel his pain into relieving others’.


Police Officers Go Beyond Call Of Duty To Help Grieving Woman

Police Officers Go Beyond the Call

(Courtesy Sunny Skyz News)

Police officers in Nebraska went above and beyond the call of duty when a grieving woman needed extra help.

What started as a rescue call ended with an act of kindness thanks to a pair of La Vista police officers.

Officer John Danderand said they arrived at Karen Ressegieu's home where they found her husband unresponsive. After multiple rounds of CPR, medics declared her husband deceased.

"She had a lot going on, she had some neighbors stopping by trying to figure things out, get information from her. And she had mentioned about three times that she had to get a cake frosted, they were supposed to attend a funeral that morning," Danderand said.

The officers frosted the cake for Ressegieu and then delivered it.

Sgt. Kraig Gomon snapped a couple of pictures to serve as a memory down the line. They captured a part of the job that goes on behind the scenes.


Pet Stories! - Pit Bull Saves Chihuahua Puppy From Drowning In Pool

Good News Pet Stories

(Courtesy Sunny Skyz News)

Security camera footage in São Paulo captured the horrifying moment a chihuahua puppy fell into a pool and could not get out on her own.

A 5 -year-old pit bull named Athena heard the commotion and immediately jumped into action to save her.

The puppy she saved is only 3 months old.


The "Good News" Digital Print Edition is a Worship Together publication.
A Ministry of "Aaron's Revival Project."
WorshipTogether.site | AaronsRevivalProject.com

Worship Together Logo

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Welcome to "Good News!" - Monday, October 24, 2022
Digital Print Edition

NOTE - "Good News" will appear on the Worship Together feed as a digital publication for the next several weeks as Shawn sets up his new home base in South Carolina.  The weekly video broadcasts will resume soon.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Incredible Athlete Becomes First Person with Down Syndrome to Complete Grueling Ironman World Championship

Chris Nikic

(Courtesy Blaze Media - Cortney Weil)

Chris Nikic has done it again. After he became the first competitor with Down syndrome to complete an Ironman triathlon back in 2020, Nikic has now become the first and only competitor with Down syndrome to complete the Ironman World Championship, which returned to Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, this year after a two-year COVID hiatus.

An Ironman is an especially challenging competition, both physically and mentally. It is composed of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile road bike race, and a 26.2-mile marathon run. Each of those segments is an arduous task in and of itself. An Ironman stacks those races back to back to back. In addition, the Ironman World Championship, which began in 1978, requires all participants to finish within 17 hours, through heat, humidity, and all the mosquitos and other natural elements that often coincide with such conditions.

Last Thursday, Nikic finished the race with plenty of time to spare. He clocked in at 16 hours, 31 minutes, and 27 seconds, making him the 2,265th competitor out of 2,314 total to cross the finish line with an official time that day.


For Halloween You Can Rent the 3-Story Ghostbusters Headquarters–And Even Wear the Suits

Ghost Busters Headquarters

(Courtesy Good News Network - Andy Corbley)

There’s something strange in the neighborhood, and it’s up for rent.

Sony and vacation rental company Vacasa are taking bids for the holiday rental of a fully-furnished, fully-functional, and fully-frightful Ghostbusters headquarters.

A group of friends can win a three-night stay at a recreation of the building set used in the famous 1984 movie in Portland, Oregon.

The private two-bedroom, three-story firehouse built in the early 1900s includes all the comforts of home with a full kitchen, multiple living quarters and endless Ghostbusters features, including a scientist-approved Ghost Containment System and a Dark Room where guests can develop and analyze photos of the Scourge of Carpathia.

The beds are freshly made, the ectoplasm has been expertly cleaned up, and the pantry is stocked—with StayPuft marshmallows and cheezy crackers (as long as Slimer doesn’t get to them first).


College Wrestler Jumps On Grizzly's Back To Save His Friend During Attack

Wrestlers survive bear attach

(Courtesy Sunny Skyz News)

Two college wrestlers survived a grizzly bear attack in Wyoming while hunting over last weekend. They stuck together to fight the bear off and lived to tell the tale.

The incident occurred on Saturday in Cody, Wyoming, when the two men encountered the bear at close range while they were in heavy cover antler hunting west of the Bobcat Houlihan trailhead on the Shoshone National Forest, the Wyoming Game & Fish Department said in a press release.

Kendall Cummings said he jumped on the grizzly to try and get him off his friend, Brady Lowry.

"I grabbed and yanked him hard by the ear," Cummings told Cowboy State Daily. "I could hear when his teeth would hit my skull, I could feel when he'd bite down on my bones and they'd kind of crunch."

The two men were somehow able to break free from the attack and call 911. One of the victims was flown by helicopter to a local hospital while the other was taken by an ambulance.

Both men, wrestling teammates at Northwest College, reportedly underwent multiple surgeries after sustaining major lacerations to the body and face.

But Lowry and Cummings are both counting their blessings and consider themselves lucky to have survived.

"I don't know what I'm going to pay him back, I don't. I owe him everything," Lowry told the Cowboy Daily Press regarding Cummings' heroic actions that saved his life. "We'll be best friends for the rest of our lives."


Pet Stories! - Cute Dog Walking Around Golf Course has Collected 6,000 Lost Golf Balls Which Are Donated to Charities

Good News Pet Stories

(Courtesy Good News Network - Andy Corbley)

An eagle-eyed pooch has become an expert at finding lost golf balls in London, so much so that he’s helping provide golf charities with the balls they need to teach kids around the world.

Charles Jefferson must have felt he hit a hole-in-one when one day his dog, a cavapoo named Marlo, emerged from the bushes with a pristine tour-grade ball on the puppy’s first visit to a local London golf course.

Jefferson, a top-level amateur golfer for four decades who used to work with the European Tour, realized that a retrieved mint condition Titleist Pro V1 retails for around £3.50, and that his Marlo might have a unique ability for finding lost balls.

He spent the next six years walking up and down courses with Marlo, watching and chatting, and getting out in the open air.

Between Mitcham Golf Club and Wimbledon Common Golf Club, Mr. Jefferson and Marlo filled dresser drawers with golf balls, but rather than a single instance of selling around 600 to a mate, he never had any interest with the “retrieval market” a cottage industry that’s cropped up around recovering golf balls.

As an advertising and branding agent, Jefferson leapt at the chance to turn Marlo’s abilities into a force for good after he heard of a donation drive to promote the prevention of litter from lost golf balls.


The "Good News" Digital Print Edition is a Worship Together publication.
A Ministry of "Aaron's Revival Project."
WorshipTogether.site | AaronsRevivalProject.com

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