NOTE - "Good News" will appear on the Worship Together feed as a digital publication for the next several weeks as Shawn sets up his new home base in South Carolina. The weekly video broadcasts will resume soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Family Decorates Front Lawn with a New Halloween Scene Every Day in October
(Courtesy The Week - Catherine Garcia)
Every October, this Texas family and a cast of skeleton characters put on a show that delights neighbors and passerby. It started in October 2020, when Steven and Danielle Dinote and their kids A.J. and Anthony bought several skeletons at a Halloween store in San Antonio. Wanting to have some fun during the first Halloween of the pandemic, they started arranging the skeletons in the front yard, with A.J. putting one against the lawnmower and Danielle making it look like another was walking a skeleton dog. The family turned this into a competition to see who could make the best scene, changing it every day. Neighbors who walked by would often stop and say "it was the highlight of their day," Danielle told Today Parents. The family decided to make this an annual event, and neighbors soon dubbed their home "The Skeleton House." It takes between 30 minutes and an hour to set up each scene, which include props like clothing, wigs, and instruments. So far this month, the skeletons have played Twister, gone camping, and golfed. Being able to tap into their creative sides brings joy to the Dinote family, and they work together to make each scene come alive. "We made a rollercoaster for the skeletons last year we named One Flag," Steven said. "I spray painted PVC pipes for tracks and made cars from cardboard boxes. My son decided the roller coaster needed restraints which we made from pool noodles."
Dwayne Johnson Surprises ‘Real-life Hero’ and Brings Him on TV to Honor His Services
(Courtesy Good News Network - Andy Corbley)
An opportunity to meet Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, but charity superhero Yuri Williams got so much more than just a handshake when The Rock decided he wanted to do something special for him.
Soon to hit the silver screen as a superhero himself, The Rock surprised Yuri on live TV, brought him back to the Good Morning America studio to give him special tickets to see the premier of Johnson’s new movie, “Black Adam,” raise awareness for Yuri’s work, and add another suit to his costume collection.
Williams is just one man, but he’s many heroes—Deadpool, Spiderman, and The Mandalorian are all costumes he puts on to put a smile on the faces of the people in need of one, whether they be the homeless, sick children, elderly, or veterans.
GNN reported last year that his place at the at the forefront of fun has helped his charity, A Future Superhero and Friends, organize toy drives, blood drives, school supply giveaways, youth art fairs, and so much more, and they’ve done it in all fifty states.
Much of his work is taken up by visiting children with special needs, or who suffer from serious illnesses.
“Yuri’s literally like the first person to put a smile on A.J.’s face,” said mom Katrina Morgan, whose son has cleft lip.
After struggling with depression during, and after his mother’s passing from cancer in 2009, Yuri decided the best way to recover was to channel his pain into relieving others’.
Police Officers Go Beyond Call Of Duty To Help Grieving Woman
(Courtesy Sunny Skyz News)
Police officers in Nebraska went above and beyond the call of duty when a grieving woman needed extra help.
What started as a rescue call ended with an act of kindness thanks to a pair of La Vista police officers.
Officer John Danderand said they arrived at Karen Ressegieu's home where they found her husband unresponsive. After multiple rounds of CPR, medics declared her husband deceased.
"She had a lot going on, she had some neighbors stopping by trying to figure things out, get information from her. And she had mentioned about three times that she had to get a cake frosted, they were supposed to attend a funeral that morning," Danderand said.
The officers frosted the cake for Ressegieu and then delivered it.
Sgt. Kraig Gomon snapped a couple of pictures to serve as a memory down the line. They captured a part of the job that goes on behind the scenes.
Pet Stories! - Pit Bull Saves Chihuahua Puppy From Drowning In Pool
(Courtesy Sunny Skyz News)
Security camera footage in São Paulo captured the horrifying moment a chihuahua puppy fell into a pool and could not get out on her own.
A 5 -year-old pit bull named Athena heard the commotion and immediately jumped into action to save her.
The puppy she saved is only 3 months old.
The "Good News" Digital Print Edition is a Worship Together publication.
A Ministry of "Aaron's Revival Project."
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